Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR

Phone home

My Gypsy dog has turned the corner I think and is much more herself. Able to get up and down but still not without a little struggle. I actually got 6 straight hours of sleep last night. The most at one time in over a week.

I wanted to get out of the house so we went to lunch at a restaurant we haven’t been to for a long while. After eating we walked through the antique store a few doors away just to look ( but you never know what you might find)! This old phone caught my eye causing words and songs to tumble into my head. The first thought E.T. Phone Home. The second was the song Operator by Jim Croce and then Rikki Don’t lose that Number by Steely Dan. Then that song Jenny 867-5309!

Talk about ear worms. My brain is really weird! And totally tired!

All because I saw an old phone.

Have a good weekend Blippers!

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