With mountains like these

By Sollergirl


Venice was magnificent in its every way today. We arrived in rain and to choppy waters, so our boat ride altered course as our sailors saw fit. The prospect of disembarking was tricky to say the least. We called in at San Giorgio Maggiore first to see the stunning Ai Weiwei installation. We were blown away. As we emerged through the back door, Lucy and I turned back to check all the group was together, when a “Splash!” alerted us. The pair of us found a man in the water with a dislocated arm but still clutching his three bags. He was in shock but fortunately had strength enough in his hands to hold on to a chain and then a boat’s stern ladder until we could pull the boat in back towards the jetty and get him on shore. We dread to think…
After that… what a girl needs is a good dose of Peggy Guggenheim’s treasures and the accompanying Surrealism and magic: Enchanted modernity exhibition. It was magic and powerful. We relaxed over a light lunch with the best of views and then the sun came out. The boat trip back was sunny and sparkling, the lagoon’s more sinister side hidden beneath the reflections of her jewels.

Back in Mira, I had a swim in the last rays of sun.

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