Contentious carrots!

You may wonder why this photo is taken at the odd angle - but it is so that you can see the carrots in the basket. The contentious carrots!
This room is part of the lower floor at Wordsworth House and is intended to represent a storeroom. You will be glad to know that the hare is a piece of taxidermy. The carrots are contentious because they are not the sort which William would have seen. Does it matter? You decide. Within Wordsworth House there is not agreement...that is why...well, you get the picture!
Trev thinks that some of you would be interested to know that I am taking part in a Radio 4 discussion on goat meat tomorrow on You and Yours. I will not know whether I want you to know this until I have done it. If I haven't made a fool of myself of course you are welcome to listen but we won't know that until I've done the programme!

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