Carnivorous Plant...

...and a cactus with heart shaped paddles. It must be farmers' market day, and there's just no telling what one will find there. I couldn't resist the plant when I watched a fly crawl up a flower and drop inside as if mesmerized! The affable fellow who sold it to us said that each trumpet shaped flower, called, not surprisingly, venus fly traps, would fill up with flies. It is going to live by our back door.

It is Dana's birthday and she has become addicted to the cochina lima at the Myriad coffee stand. I had a nice picture of the proprietor smiling his beautiful smile, but chose this one because I think it shows how seriously he takes his coffee making. Each one is separately poured through a filter. Not caring for the idea of coffee with lime in it, I went for the New Orleans iced coffee. 

The, what shall I call him, metal sculptor?, found objects assembler? had a whole new selection of goods this morning...all quite weird and wonderful. I wasn't keen on the wind instruments fashioned into guns but quite liked the wings and the large bell on the left. It had a sign on it that said, 'ring my bell' and a small boy was doing just that, at first a bit tentatively and then quite enthusiastically!

The weather was beautiful but has deteriorated fairly dramatically over the afternoon. I may be forced to eat my words about it never raining before October, because rain, quite heavy at times, is being predicted for tomorrow. This seems rather in keeping with all the other meteorological 
 exceptionalism we have been experiencing this summer. If we do get a significant amount, it will go a long way toward relieving the fire danger anxiety.

We're furling the umbrellas, taking in the pillows and covering the outdoor furniture.

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