Slow start to the day, then took Paisley into the back garden whilst A was getting up and we discovered some more apples had fallen from the tree. If you can catch them quickly they’re really delicious, so I brought them up and made pancakes and stewed up the apples with some nectarines in maple butter sauce to have with them…delicious!
We both had bits of shopping to do so went over to the Fort. I got some trainers and A got a cosy tracksuit and we had a pootle round the cook shop for her to think about the pans and plates etc she wants for the new house.
Bit overcast most of the day. Home and cleared up the kitchen and did laundry…need to make sure I’ve got everything ready to pack. At the moment I have far fewer things to do but find it harder to do them - somehow the list doesn’t feel substantial enough which is mad I know.
A took Paisley for a walk whilst I made dinner then we watched House of Gucci film. I never knew any of that story behind the brand! Caught a lovely sunset, getting earlier every day
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