My Restless Lens

By terri365

Stupid Geriatric Boy

Long dog walk this morning, brunch, then into the Albert Hall to go and see Ann Cleeves at the Bloody Scotland event.  Quite entertaining.  It has bene going for 10 years now and I haven't been to any events yet!

Back home to give the dog his tablets then back into town to get a few things and then go for dinner.  Then back home to feed the dog and i left my bag from Boots on the chair...  

Back to the Albert Hall to see Mark Billingha and Mick Herron and they were quite funny.

Then home again...  to the mess in the photo.  Aonghus clearly thought there was food to be had in the Boots bag...  I had to go through it all to make sure everything was intact!  Paracetamol, lateral flow tests, eye drops, soap and deodorant.  The soap and deodorant were chewed and I thin he ate a tiny bit of it...

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