
The sun refused to make any appearance but it didn't stop me having a good walk with the dogs - who behaved themselves this time. So much so that Cara returned home clean for a change and I was able to give her another good grooming. Within ten minutes of hanging the hair in the fat feeder the blue tits arrived. I had wondered if their nests were complete by now but obviously they still needed a bit of titivating. This shot is taken through glass as they were very skittish, but I had to laugh as i watched this little one clinging on for dear life as he leaned back to give a real tug at the beak full of hair. You can see his little legs quite clearly as they cling on to the feeder to support him as he leans out. I would have liked to have the background a little darker to show his colouring off a bit better - but this is how it was!

Scrambled egg tonight so maybe I will give the wine a miss!

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