
By Farmerboab

Sunday silage.......

Another day sat on various tractors.
First job was to stack up all the wee straw bales out in the field. Can't load them onto trailers yet as will need the trailers to cart home silage bales tomorrow. At least if they are stacked up it is only the top ones that will get wet if it rains.
Headed off down the road with the baler to bale up some of the grass I cut on Thursday. Did enough for 2 loads,then phoned Mrs F to give me a lift home to get a tractor and trailer.
By the time I'd loaded and hauled them up the road ,then wrapped and stacked them ,it was 7 pm.
So a quick dash down the road again to feed the heifers and shut all the roadside gates the contractor had left open when they went in to sow the winter barley before it got too dark.
Went to the co op on the way home to get something for tomorrow's lunch and had to join in their minute silence for the Queen at 8 pm. By the look of things there must be a lot of folk out toasting HRH,as the pub was hoaching when I drove past. Or maybe it's just a Sunday Sesh as none of them are going to work tomorrow !

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