The Orient Express

By koko

Forget me not.

I forget which colour you said you prefer, white or blue ??
Well i arrived in work this morning to be greeted by hello its nice to see you but what are you doing here ?? After my strange look and the question why i was told i'm meant to be on annual leave. Shock horror why did i get up , check the annual leave card. Yes i'm meant to be off and off tomorrow and Saturday, i knew i was off from Sunday but what a silly mistake to make. On a positive note i've gained a day else where and i've now got that happy feeling early. So yippee i'm on my hols now.
Meeting up with tinks and tonks, 007 Roo's mom and Kathm tomorrow for a nice day out.
Keeping an eye on these forget me not, to hopefully remind to check my hols from now on, don't what to be doing that again.

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