On the Beach...

Today was cloudy with light rain, but I still went out anyway to accumulate steps... heh heh..but this time, I chose to go to a less populated beach area of the lakeshore, and there were only a few people around - which I like! The overcast sky made photo-ops somewhat challenging, but there was still some colour -  an amazing show of vibrant golden rod. Of course, just as I was leaving, the sun broke through! 
Unfortunately my walk was too short..the number of steps it took was a bit less than yesterday! I know, I know, I am to INcrease my steps..but at least I now know approximately how many steps those two walks take...but I also know how I can make them longer; they both have easy access to the paved Trans Canada Trail.... which is good...

I have new duties for a few days...E, my friend next door, is away on a much-needed holiday at a friend's cottage and her sister S, who lives alone, has just had a knee replacement. I am standing in for E to help in any way I can...and am impressed with how well S is handling the pain and inconvenience...This week we go to the physio clinic to get her started on her rehab...Seeing what a knee replacement involves, I hope mine stand up for a while longer! Yikes...

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