Lala's Journal

By Lala

Just a rose

In the garden.

I watched the funeral and processions and then switched off. I wasn’t as bad as I feared, but enough was enough. 

I did some chores, spoke with all 3 boys and Megan, and later my brother too. 
A few weeks ago he told me he was upgrading his iwatch, and did I want his old one? I already have the ‘old one’ when he upgraded before and of course leapt at it! Then he told me he was buying me a new phone! Now, regular readers will know the dust in my lens is annoying me, and I had planned to sort a phone as soon as I could get my head round it. So of course I’m thrilled to get a new one, but crikey they’re expensive, and although he assures me he really wants to do it, and got a big bonus this year, I kind of feel like the poor relation. Cast offs are fine, but new? I still need to sort my head on this one. 

Tomorrow is the Sandford assessment. I applied in January, and so much has changed since the application, and I’ve had no time to resolve some of the anomalies that I’m apprehensive. Having said that, I am not as stressed by it as I would have been in the past. Que sera sera!

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