R.I.P Ma’am

O arrived yesterday still full of cold. They said he had perked up for a few days but then they had a couple of bad nights where he was beside himself.  After bath he went down fine and woke around 10.30pm. I gave him some milk and he seemed to settle down. 10 minutes later we didn’t have tears but chatting and singing….. for about 2 hours! I got back up to him around midnight and changed his sheet that was quite wet (dribble/snot I think).  He did doze off but his cough kept disturbing him.  I then decided, having had no sleep yet and him being awake, to take him downstairs where he immediately fell asleep on my chest and that is where we both dozed on and off and changing our sleeping position until 6.30am. My Fitbit said I had 2.5 hours sleep :-o. Later on Sim did say I should have rang them but he really didn’t cry and it gave them a night to catch up on sleep.

He had a 2 hour morning nap waking at 2 minutes to 11… typical ;-D. We paused the funeral procession until I was back down to watch. The others all arrived about 1ish for afternoon tea and , as always, we had too much food.  After O had another afternoon nap (he’s not eating either) they headed back home and the rest of us watched the procession and service at Windsor.

They certainly did her proud and as mentioned both here on blip by many and also in the press, the pallbearers did an amazing job.  Her corgis and horse were an incredibly moving tribute.  I hope they can all now regroup and grieve in peace and out of the public eye.

Thank you Ma’am.

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