There ain't nothin' that you can do...

I like how it is as you get older.

Having just passed a birthday, where I think I can officially say I am adult, I have a little inkling at the back of my mind, that I am on a downward spiral of bad behaviour.

My husband has already shaken his head at the hair... but has just put his head in his hands when he heard of my latest purchase. Blue colour. I haven't blipped the hair, because to be honest, unless you see my hair a lot, you wouldn't probably notice it, apart from the feint purple glow around my halo.

However, I am hopeful that the blue I bought - and they swear I don't need to bleach it first, will give me the hair I have so long wanted. I can't wait! :-)

Additionally with my arthritic fingers and aching wrist from last week bound up, I took a call from the Insurance Company's Health and Safety Assessor who is coming in next week, to make sure all is well and good. Everyone looked and me and said, "maybe you aren't the best representative?"

I like to think I am testing the dangers out for everyone.

These, pictured, are some of my beautiful flowers.

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