At the new school

Up at 7 and out the door not long after. Took the unbearably hot metro, two lines and soon into a cooler area of Athens. After 40 mins I arrived at the station for a 20 minute walk to the school. Not so hot, not so cool. This secondary school we use has the best facilities (it’s in a wealthy area). My new manager helped me get set up with time to spare. Unfortunately the AC didn’t start until late morning. I had 7 of my 9 students, and they’re all great 11-13 year olds. One has Asperger’s which I don’t think I’ve worked with before. I know I shouldn’t ask, but.. he said a few times, and some other inappropriate comments, be patient but firm was the advice.
Struggled to walk to the bus stop after 5 hours in class.. home to relax, went to the taverna, early to bed.

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