All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Rain rain go away ...

... come back another day!

Another pretty miserable day today where the rain was clattering down so heavily on the conservatory roof that I could hardly hear myself think! It stopped for a few minutes so I dashed outside to take some photos in the garden. Had only got as far as a few pictures of the ivy climbing up the fence, when the heavens opened up again and I just couldn't get any inspired pictures inside the house today.

My Mum has been working like a trojan today and has done a huge pile of ironing for me. I also had a friend pop round to see me for a few hours so it was great to have a catch up with her. Am now waiting for one of hubbies friends to come round as he's down in Edinburgh for a conference and may be staying with us overnight. As it's a long time since he was last here, I'm expecting a phone call from him saying "help I'm lost" since everyone I know gets very confused with the roundabouts in Livingston and ends up phoning us for help!

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