Tree-Time 2022 Part 9

A relatively free day today. Didn't wake up until 8.30 AM - I probably needed the sleep! Being really tired is the main thing that puts me in a bad mood at the moment so I don't mind that I caught up on some kip.

I had a little housework to do - not much, though there is a lot that needs doing. The less essential stuff will wait until I either have more time or can afford to pay someone to do the cleaning.

Otherwise I've read, had lap-time with Minstrel, been for a walk to get my Blip, checked on my Dad by phone (He's fine!) and had a wander into town to get Subway for Zeph. (I may have that this evening, hopefully!)

I'm Blipping my tree shot for the month as you can see! I'm wondering when it will start to get the beautiful red leaves. I'm sure they had started turning by this time last year... Maybe it's not even an Acer - it's a different shape to the other Acer I see regularly...

Work last night was fairly quiet apart from a completely crazy couple of hours of busy-ness when everyone turned up at once. 

I had been told at the weekend that my shifts this week would be Monday, Tuesday and Friday. He had said it to me more than once and I was happy with these days. Then last night, as I was getting out of the car he said "See you Thursday." I'd planned my whole week around what had been said at the weekend and now he insists that was not what he'd said! I think he was hoping I'd think it was me who'd forgotten as he knows I'm scatty at times! But he has an appointment on Thursday now so I am off tonight instead. It pee'd on my strawberries a bit but is not the end of the World, even if it felt like it last night when I was completely shattered!

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