Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont


Pip came to visit this morning while his mum went into town, so we all went for a walk round the graveyard. On the way back, it was so sunny at the corner shop, and the school kids weren’t there, so we stopped for an ice cream and to sit and watch the world go by for a while. 

Hazel came over for a coffee, and to tell us of the dramas with her swollen arm and what pills she was given, but it’s returning to normal now.

We each did a bit of packing, but I prefer to leave it to the last minute - it really doesn’t take long when you’re just going with a small suitcase for a week of warm weather.

Archie has gone to stay with Pip for a few nights - we have a very early start tomorrow. Whoopee!

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