
By Juli


The moorhens have been back at our pond for weeks but there was no sign of a nest until today. They must have built it within the past 24 hours because I'm sure it wasn't there yesterday! No eggs yet but I shall keep an eye on it now. How egg-citing! Here is last year's nest, complete with eggs, that I blipped on the 26th April. It looks like the loooooong winter hasn't delayed them too much this year.

On a less egg-citing note, I have spent the past two days preparing five lessons. I really enjoy the creative outlet that this gives me - and the way I always learn something, too - but bearing in mind that five is the usual number of lessons a teacher teaches in one day, and that a lot of the work had already been done previously by either myself or someone else, it's scary, isn't it? That means it would take over a week to prepare one week's lessons. Just as well I don't teach maths as I'm sure that doesn't add up right - sort of like having to fit eight days into seven and I think that eventually I'll actually be working backwards. I wonder what Einstein would have had to say about it? 8-S

Anyway, I'm going to sit on the sofa now and catch up with your journals...

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