Cakes... how uninteresting...

Looks like the girl behind the counter can't wait to go home. If you look at the clock at the back you can see the time at which this picture was taken. Almost quarter to eight. No wonder she's thinking about home time. This patisserie seems to have ghosts working in it as well... ;-)

I know how she feels. She's looking a bit bored as well, as myself with my life at the moment. After the excitement of my holidays, everything just looks dull and uninsteresting now. I can feel I need a change of some sort, but I can't quite figure out what to do to get this change. Feeling a bit stuck... Anyway...

I haven't been feeling great since I came back. I have a really annoying cough that has decided to stick to me like a bad smell, and I'm not over my holiday blues yet. The good thing though is that my eye infection seems to be disappearing at last!

We've been really busy at work today, so it seems that the holiday season has properly started. Glad I'm off tomorrow!

Thanks very much for all your nice comments! I hope you all had a good day! :)

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