
By dunkyc


I was surprised by how much of the Queen’s funeral the children actually watched, but when they started guessing on whether the procession would walk through the horse crap or not, I knew that they’d probably had enough.

Probably best not to think too hard about how much it all cost and so forth, but it didn’t take much to admire the skill, control and dedication of all those involved. So many people present and equally everyone in step and doing their part. Fascinating. I must admit to a lump in the throat when the cameras shot down the Mall to show the Union Jacks lining the street, under which where thousands of people watching on as the procession made its way along.

By about 1pm, we’d had enough and I felt like we’d paid our respects. Besides, it was time for the wee ones to return to their mother and I was off to meet up with LadyV and her girls for a walk in the woods. We had a lovely stroll talking about this n that and munching away on jelly sweets. At the top of the walk was the Pepperpot (aka. The Queen Victoria Jubilee Monument - 1887), which seemed quite fitting somehow.

We parted ways at the car park and I headed for home and started watching the excellent documentary on Ben Stokes before giving in to sleep.

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