
That's the name of our school restaurant.  Gina invited me to lunch and we were so pleased we were going to be offered more than just sandwiches.  I have already made reservations for AW and myself, for Wednesday evening next week, to celebrate something, maybe even more things, but one reason is good enough.

The food was good.  Really good.  Not too much, but enough to stuff both of us.  Main shot is the soup, the extra shows the dessert.  The funny thing happened when we were ready to pay.  Gina discovered she didn't have her wallet ('I probably left it in my gym bag') and I found out I didn't have my usual debit card ('I probably left it in my card reader').  After the initial screams of dismay, the staff, highly amused, informed us we could pay next day and didn't have to do the dishes.  Now weren't we lucky this happened at our place of work?  Embarrassing doesn't begin to describe it!

When I got back home, I was suddenly so sleepy.  Most likely the food?  I haven't had a proper lunch in years since both AW and I only have two meals a day.  Carry over from our 'homeless' years, but even now we are content with just that.  It does save money, although that is not the point.  Anyway, took a nap and was woken up for dinner.

Today, the roofers came for the first time to do preparatory work.  While I was asleep, AW drove to the DIY and picked up the insulation plates that were missing from the previous order due to damage.  I know I said steel plates in a previous post, but that was erroneous.  Anyway, I think he'll finish the insulation of the front shed by the end of this month.  Most of it is already done.

Too tired for enthusiasm... a sure sign that autumn has arrived.

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