New adventure…

I’ve been absent for a while as hadn’t been feeling in a very blippable frame of mind, as several of my activities had been cancelled due to the period of national mourning, so I absented myself from the internet! 

Back today, as I found out that I’d been accepted on a ‘Grow Your Business’ Programme sponsored by a local business hub, and kick off was today! I had to go to Peterborough football club. Extra shows a man who I observed mowing the pitch…. Manually! 

Think the course will be good - it’s up until Christmas. There will be quite a bit of homework, but Dorsetb knows I’m good at that!

The image shows my choice of ‘postcard’ - there were a couple of tables with different images and we were asked to pick one that resonated with us.  I chose this for the shape, colours and textures.

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