Poor Baby

Had to get to the Children's Hospital early today for Eden to have a blood test, as they're still a little concerned about jaundice. It took the nurse ages to get the blood, squeezing it out of her poor little foot drop by drop, with Eden getting more and more upset.

Made even more stressful by the fact that Julia had an appointment to register her birth in the city centre. The GP had said they'd see her straightaway, but we were there two and a half hours, and had to leave before we got the results.

And then, Julia got a phone call to say the lab had rejected the samples, and could she come in early again tomorrow to get another sample, with a cannula this time...

Not nice. 

- that Ju got there in time to register her birth, and it was done quickly
- superb coffee in an independent to de-stress after it was over
- the lovely doctor who saw her in the end

Anyone who prays, please could you pray it goes well tomorrow?

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