Paper Kite
This is Tuesday's blip, backblipped on Wednesday.
PD and I went to the Butterfly Pavillion today. Within a few minutes of walking in, this beautiful butterfly landed on my hand and spent the rest of our visit crawling up and down my arm. It seemed content to just ride along as I walked around and took pictures. When we got ready to leave, I coaxed it onto a flower, but it fluttered back to my arm. Then I tried to give it to a little girl, but it came back to me again. I was finally able to get it to go onto a nectar feeder and we snuck out the door. It was a lovely birthday surprise. :-)
In the extra collage by rows: 1. Postman Butterfly
2. Brown Clipper
3. Isabella's Longwing
4. Malachite Butterfly
5. Dead Leaf Butterfly
6. Eggfly Butterfly (upper)
Stratford-upon-Avon Butterfly (lower)
7. Blue Morpho
8. Cream-spotted Tigerwing
9. Tailed Jay Butterfly
My Dad's birthday is September 20th, and when he and my mom started dating, they realized that they had the same birthday. Then, many years later, I came along on their birthday. I miss them the most on our birthday, but they are always in my heart.
I am grateful for all the cards and texts and calls I got today. I am truly blessed with wonderful family and friends. :-)
Thank you to everyone for the stars and hearts on my recent blips. I really appreciate all of them! xx
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