Today the weather has been the best of the year. Quite warm and really sunny. ( and no wind ). Tino and Lily have been outdoors a lot - loving the sunshine and watching the birds.

I didn't go to Asda yesterday as my freind Jan who usually gives me a lift is still off on her cruise. However my sister in law V offered to take me today so we set off at 2pm and I did my big shop. There were a few things I couldn't get as there were a lot of gaps on the shelves. Bank holiday shopping has started with a vengeance it seems.

When we got back here V popped in to have a look at the cat enclosure. I made sure Tino was out of the way while we brought the shopping in as he is liable to dash out of the front door.

Tino was very friendly to V but Lily was nowhere to be seen. That's not unusual as she doesn't care for strangers - I just assumed she was hiding.

When V had gone I called out for Lily but she didn't come. So I went searching. I found Neil - which was a surprise as I had thought he was out. Bedroom doors had been left open ( by Neil! ) so Lily could have been anywhere. So Neil and I looked for her in every room with no luck. Could she have got outside? Neil's bedroom window was open a little - could she possibly have climbed out?

Starting to panic now - Neil and I went outside calling for her. Neil went along the back lane jangling her favourite toy. Tino was calling out too. Real panic now as there was still no sign of her. I went back indoors and searched every room again - looking under beds, in boxes, behind curtains - and calling her name all the time. Nothing. Where the heck was she.

Back downstairs and I was just standing in the hall wondering what to do next when Lily suddenly appeared. No idea where she came from. She looked sleepy so I guess she had been fast asleep somewhere. Whew. Silly Lily.

Everything settled down after that. Neil has gone off to a presentation night at his old University. He is getting an award for the volunteering he did when he was at Uni. He should have got it last year but as he was In Australia he couldn't attend.

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