Sorry Not Sorry

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,

I got to work today to find that Ellie had bought me a CAKE!

"I'm sorry I was such a grumpy b*tch yesterday," she said. 

She had been a little bit grumpy, it is true. But she is not, never was, never could be a b*tch. 

She was stressed and I could tell. I had tried to cheer her up by making her dance (at her desk) to the song Enjoy Yourself (It's Later Than You Think)

I think it helped. And now today, cake.

In other news, Jasper did his thing of taking a swipe at anyone who doesn't give him lovies on their way past his cat tree. He managed to catch Caro on the lip, which bled profusely. 

But no cake for Caro. Jasper regrets nothing. 


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