Slim pickings!

Foraging for your food isn't always fun. Sometimes it's a challenge, as this deer is demonstrating.

Beautiful day today! Blue skies and blossoms, but no birds. It may have been the heat. Never thought the heat was going to get here, but it has! Or maybe it was just the time of day. Whatever it was, the birds were noticeably AWOL. Unfortunately, this was the only time of day I could get out with my camera.

Had an appointment with the optometrist this morning. He gave me a sterling report on the eye that had cataract surgery last week. It looks beautiful, has healed nicely, and with almost 20/2o vision (unaided!). Now for the other eye, which currently only has 20/80 vision. I'm looking forward to something a whole lot better by the end of next week.

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