Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Todays' work: taking down the mature tomatoes inside and outside the greenhouse, and also the chili fruits who were mature. The others, except from me and one other coworker, when for a walk to pick rose-hips. I had my autumn shoes on and every season I need a couple of days to walk in them before any abrasions are gone. So, I stayed and picked veggies. I also got some tomatoes with me home. Perks of the job. :) I will miss this place. I didn't think I would be as comfortable as I was in The Greenhouse, but The Garden has been as good, but in different areas. :)
I also learned that the best way to grow veggies is to change the place for them next season, and change back the season after. That got me thinking... and I need to replan my own greenhouse, so I can change growth places on tomatoes and cucumbers/peas/beans. 
The Scrap School Summit had its last day today and I've learned a lot. It'll be fun to keep creating in my small journal on, if not daily at least every other day. 

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