New reality day 785

Lake Sylvöjärvi behind birches nearing sunset time. Took this when I came back from work.

Our area manager came to our location this evening. He lives in Saimaa, so so he's more there. But we have a owners' gold tournament in our location starting today. Today we had a golf pro speaking to the owners and tomorrow they start competing.

Anyway, he had time to speak with me for few minutes. He was concerned about my situation and me possible leaving the company. I really like this guy. He's one of the good guys. He asked me and I honestly told him what's going on with the new boss. I'm the type that if you ask me, I will tell. I always say to people that don't ask me if you don't really wanna know. And I understand that our boss has never been a boss and he was chosen because it's possibly not permanent situation and there are things that he can do. But being a superior is not one of his qualifications. He will go into a training program very soon. So hopefully he'll learn.

Anyway. I should go to Saimaa for a week of two in the near future. But I've been to Saimaa and know the place. So I'd like to go to Tampere. When I told my current boss, he was giving me the face that "you just never shut up" and didn't even reply to me. But I spoke to our area manager and he said that he'll look into it and will try to arrange that! So that makes me feel so much better.

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