The Pub

Went to work, worked, went back home.

This is 'The Pub', one of the quiet work cubicles if you don't want to hear any chatter (not that there is much of it) or meetings  or consultations of colleagues.  It's inside the Staff Room on the first floor.  I think there's another one directly behind it, not sure because I'm hardly in that part of the room, so I'll have to check, and might shoot it another time, when there's no one around.  The Staff Room on the second floor has similar cubicles, and I have a feeling they'll all get their turn, if I can fix it.

A busy day but not overdone.  First class was at 09.00.  Most were too lazy to get out of bed, but two showed up -- one from Gent in Belgium, another from Amsterdam, neither of whom are renting rooms nearby.  Admirably motivated, so of course they enjoyed the private lecture.  I never check attendance.  Nobody does.  At this level, they are expected to be responsible for their own learning, including their own passing and failing.  A pity for the absentees as the subject of this week's lectures was the Assessment Rubric.

A short call with the Viking during the break, after a meeting of the English teachers.  We made some last-minute agreements for the coming hearing.

Posting this now before I get too sleepy.  Just finished the ironing, and there's a new batch of laundry soaking, which I will most likely do after my nap.  One last thing... kitchen duties.  Managed to finish a short MOOC earlier in the evening, right after AW was picked up by Beau for Thursday evening live bridge here in town.  AW finished insulating the walls of the front shed, and the next step is the ceiling.  If I know him, he'll start on it tomorrow.

It will be a long night at court, followed by an early morning, as I'll be leaving at the crack of dawn for the last sessions at Leerdam.  I hope the weather will be favourable for the hunt later in the afternoon.  We'll see.  Before that, we'll see what will transpire tonight.  At least I can say that my work has made me less restless about the whole thing.

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