Brian's Bits

By Kanyl

Family resemblance?

Just had to check - according to the label they seem to be the same plant; only one looks much better fed?

The Internet tells me:-
"Cymbalaria muralis, commonly called ivy-leaved toadflax or Kenilworth ivy, is a low, spreading, viney plant with small purple flowers, native to southern Europe.  It belongs to the plantain family, ~ ~ ~
The Plant label tells me "Cymbalaria muralis"  and who am I to argue?
DON'T answer that you!!!

Being of limited vision, (She was once told she could qualify as "sight impaired", but refused, despite possible "Perks") Alice was well into scents and I didn't take much persuasion to also be; so - when I read "This variety has an added bonus of a wonderful honey scent." I had to have a nosefull, and it does.  I don't care if I have to get on hands & knees to smell it either.

Additionally - record - "So's I 'remember' when".

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