When I was getting into my car after physical therapy, I saw this corgi waiting for his owner to return. He sat upright and sharply focused, but I couldn't get a shot in until the owner started out of the store, making the dog very happy. I admired his patience and thought he was cute, so here is his photo.
Physical therapy went well. I have a new therapist whom I like a lot. He did a very thorough evaluation of my balance issues, identified goals and gave me a series of exercises to do at home to begin to strengthen my legs. I'm optimistic.
Because the ground turkey I bought yesterday had sat in the car trunk for half an hour before I got home, I thought it would be best to use it right away, so I've made a start on a meatloaf, my first in months. I was able to cook the eggplant before I ran out of steam and plan to finish up tomorrow, assuming the turkey is still safe to eat.
I didn't go for those lab tests because I remembered in time that I will have to be fasting for those. So I plan on doing that first thing tomorrow morning.
I just learned that this my 1,825th blip, a milestone that means I've done five years worth of blips. It took me six years, as for a long time my blipping was erratic, but I've loved every minute of it. It feels so good to be part of this warm, caring community and I cherish the friends I've made here, even though I've never met most all of them. I know my photographs have improved over the years and I look forward to many more blips in the future. I learn so much for your journals and am grateful that I can share in your joys and commiserate with your sorrows.
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