Last Day

I had a lovely send off. We did banners (for occasions) in our office well, so I knew when the blinds were closed, as I walked in this morning, that there was going to be a banner! I was nevertheless overcome with emotion, as soon as they all saw me walk into the office - where I was met with the grandest of buffets - to mark my last day in the office. Tissues were also required while my boss read a poem he'd written and when I was presented with cards and gifts. We all gathered for a group photo. I thought that was it.

It wasn't. I was summoned to the canteen mid-afternoon, under some false pretences where I found the whole Embassy waiting - with wine - to wish me well. I don't remember the Ambassador's words, (I heard them, but my concentration was firmly on keeping a stiff upper lip) but again, I was reduced to tears as I said goodbye to friends and colleagues, promising to see them again at some point!

I cleared the last of my emails, set a permanent out-of-office and changed my voicemail. I looked back one last time, before I switched off the lights and locked up.

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