Sue Foll's picture of the day

By POD2008

Budget Day

So as we all surf clips of Kwasi Kwarteng in various stages in inebriation (including the Queen’s funeral… deep fake? I’d like to think not) we take in today's budget.

If you are wondering where the Tories are going with this low tax, low regulation thing, the answer may be in ‘The Sovereign Individual’ a book written by Jacob Rees-Mogg’s papa and an investment manager way back in the nineties.

Alistair Campbell first made me aware of this.

There is another review in The Guardian.

I find all of this quite apocalyptic and terrifying. 

When I think of the Sovereign individual I keep thinking of the Oscar Isaac  character in Ex Machina.

For a bit of light relief I went for a coffee with my old colleague Will Hide from The Times. He now lives locally, so yet another nice neighbour to have around.

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