
We met friends for lunch at Harkers in Chester today. I was aware that there was filming going on in the city centre so I went for a quick look before we met them. It is very frustrating because I don't think my agency are involved in this production so I didn't even get the chance to put my name forward. It was very weird watching what was going on from the other side.

If I'm involved in filming I don't reveal anything about the production on here. Today I am quite happy to say they were filming a biopic about Cary Grant called Archie featuring Jason Isaacs. Anyone who listens to Simon Mayo and Mark Kermode's film podcast and is an LTL and vanguardista like me will have an especially high regard for Jason and can imagine how disappointed I was not to be involved. Suffice to say I couldn't say hello to Jason Isaacs..  

I realise that a lot of people will find the last couple of sentences meaningless but those in the know will completely understand. 

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