Friday Sunrise

Don't be fooled.  In the course of the day, clouds and more clouds floated into our air space, gradually but steadily, and by mid-afternoon we knew the sun wasn't going to appear again.

This was shot on my way to work, along the provincial road leading to Leerdam.  Parked at a filling station and walked to a side road for one of the best sunrise views I have ever had.  Then I had three good morning sessions during which my classes cooperated beautifully while doing the assignments they were supposed to finish.  When all was done, I returned my laptop to the IC department, my key to the concierge, said goodbye to everyone, and walked blithely back to my car.  'Bye, Mrs. Wag!' followed me all the way, with fond waves from the students.

On the way home, had to stop at a filling station along the A59 to catch some shut eye.  Needed about half an hour, and it was not a good power nap, with sudden bouts of waking up and wondering where I was.  Only two hours of sleep the previous night due to the 'settlement' hearing, which did not yield much progress.

Jay offered me slightly more than he did last year, but the Viking and I did not agree.  The Viking did not even ask for a time-out to consult.  He knew I was going to say 'No'.  While Jay's counsel was reading the offer (Jay wanted again to be the first to speak), the Viking was prepared -- 'No, we cannot accept that.  We have not yet agreed on the complete list of assets.  You are basing your offer on various falsifications.'  The judge did not openly agree but allowed the Viking to protest.  Jay and his counsel had no choice but to stand back.  Jay clearly intended the judge to force me to accept the offer at the first instance.  He said weeks ago that he wished to settle, but clearly only on his terms.  He thought that by opting to settle, every falsehood and crooked scheme he had a hand in would be 'forgotten' and stay hidden.  Everybody who knows me knows I can never accept a situation like this.  Anyway, we will return to the further cross-examination of Jay, something he is not happy about.  To make it worse, the honourable court has now ordered him to be physically present for this cross-examination, which will take place on 20 October.  While the Viking and I did not exactly win this round, we certainly did not lose.  Jay's legal counsel should know now what is in store for Jay, especially as the Viking will request the court for permission to order Jay to testify under oath.  The relevant Motion will be filed next week.

Caught up with some sleep in the afternoon.  MOOCking and kitchen duties in the evening, some gaming, and not too late in bed.  If there's anything to be thankful for, again, it's my work at the university.  I hope they extend my contract when the time comes.  The only minus about no longer working in Leerdam is... I have less chances of witnessing a sunrise like this morning's.

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