The Last Film With Ben Cross

Shot and wrapped up shortly before he passed away.  His role is minimal, almost at the end.  I know this from the trailer.  Will watch this when I have time.  The DVD arrived in the middle of last week but, as you know, it has been a busy time.

Still recovering from Sleepless Friday, but I did supermarket errands and kitchen duties, nonetheless, plus some MOOCking and gaming.  I will go hunting tomorrow if the weather will permit it.  Today was grey and wet, for the most part, but, well, autumn has begun, so no surprise.  The rest of the time was taken up talking and texting with Mimi, the Viking, and Doña.  Fortunately, our communication is good.

Tonight, during dinner, I thanked AW for preparing the food, as usual, but I also said I was thankful that we have any food at all.  Times have become difficult and challenging for a growing number of people everywhere, so it is a mercy we always manage to have something to eat.  We know how it feels to have almost nothing, having been there ourselves.

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