
Given the choice of three images- one of the only blossoming cherry tree in the Meadows, the second of a host of narcissi in George Square gardens and one of a lone onion lurking at the foot of the vegetable basket, the latter was vetoed by His Lordship as projecting an image of bad household management.

I beg to differ. I have been nurturing this onion for its role in the limelight for quite some months. Definitely past it's best for the stock pot for a considerable time, it has come into its own as an image of some disgust.

Now having had its onion day in the spotlight, it will be relegated to the bin lest the visiting daughter thinks maternal standards are slipping, and worries that there is worse to come.

Unfortunately apart from that lone early cherry tree bloomer, I am going to miss the arrival of the extravaganza of pink cherry blossom reminding me of the frou frou underskirts of girls at the Folies Bergere.

Sensibly with the still chilly breeze and the cold showers sweeping through, the trees are holding their fire.

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