Look on the bright side

If I didn't I would simply go nuts. And it's much easier to look on the bright side when the sun is shining and the light is much brighter, rather than just grey.

After months and months of no work Rol has now got some work at the University: a bit of teaching, a bit of planning and bookings for non-religious funerals have started coming in again. He loves all of it. The work at the University is on a zero hours contract which means it can vary from month to month and he doesn't get sickness or holiday pay and the funeral work can't be relied upon so it makes budgeting a bit difficult but it's a hell of a sight better than nothing.

My workplace is very quiet at the moment, which is worrying, but I am trying not to hurl myself into a pit of despair (although it is tempting at times). Another thing that's a bit worrying is that it sounds like the right-wing UK Independence Party (UKIP) has done rather well in several regions in the local elections that took place yesterday. Full results will be announced later today.

The forthcoming holiday weekend looks like it's going to be busy but fun, with lots of great photo opportunities. So busy in fact that I was in the co-op at just gone 7am this morning stocking up on groceries and things that we need to take for a picnic for a visit to London tomorrow. There's a demo against the cuts planned to take place in Trafalgar Square from 12noon.

ps: The wonderful Pete Seeger is 94 today. Happy birthday Pete.

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