Toots in Solitude

By Toots

Victorian Trout Conspiracy

Here is Fraser at the launching of his new CD at the Liquid Rooms.
It was one very big happy party where everyone bopped and jumped around (some with style; some crazily and some with abandonment) all really enjoying themselves in party mood.
Coloured lights came and went, smokiness was caught in the full beams, and ear plugs were provided at the bar (apparently, I learnt, bars have to legally stock them at loud noise venues and if they try to charge for them they are breaking the law - they should be free. Didn't know that before).
It was hard to choose from all the pictures I took, okay, most of the 408 were rubbish and dumped to trash immediately, but of a couple that were left from all the blurred action I chose this one of Fraser, well, you know that.

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