MightyMouse’s mighty moment

MightyMouse was baptised this morning. What a joyful thing. It was a brilliant service, with a very clear Gospel-centred talk, a great band (with DougsJB & NoaNoa playing), lovely songs, a packed church with oozing energy and 3 great testimonies.

MightyMouse had 4 school friends with him too. I wonder what they thought … I’m sure church this morning is not what they were expecting.

So lovely to have my MIL, Frip (in her Godmother role) and their middle one, 11 of our family as HatBox and SkyeMan rallied and joined us, as well as 2 Ukrainians and PuddleDucks’ other sister, husband and tot .. so a crowd we were and it was celebratory.

All back here for lunch and the afternoon. Nice! Very nice. And another team effort made nice work.

Elbows is off to Algeria in the small hours tonight. It’s a work thing and the visa has only just arrived in time … tad tricky delivering the visas to the others who need them. Dot.T to the rescue. :-)

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