Alone around the world !!

The photos were taken from the car!!
We went to S'Hertogenbosch today.
It was pleasantly busy, the sun was still shining, it was still 15* this afternoon.
We shopped, ate on a terrace and afterwards drank a cup of coffee and a Radler.
On the way back to the Campsite, we had indicated in the navigation to choose a road that was as efficient as possible in terms of fuel consumption. And so we drove there. Even shorter In km. and less crowded. We drove over the highway and there were signs that on some roads there were traffic jams and you had to count about 10 minutes to the driving time. The cars drove 3 doubles on the highway and we :-)) drove almost alone. haha. Hurray for navigation.
Clouds were already gathering above us, from which you can already see what the weather will be like in the coming days. A lot of rain. ;-((. Our holiday lasts until next Saturday. So hopefully we won't be forced to sit inside too much. But we certainly don't get bored.

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