Sunday: Herman’s Cave

Just 20 minutes drive from us is Herman’s Blue Hole and Herman’s Cave.  We went to the Blue Hole first - it’s about a 3-minute walk through the forest and then you come across a dazzling blue swimming hole, surrounded by palm trees and jungle.  K had very wisely brought her costume, I, of course, hadn’t as I’m a bit of a ninny.  I did wade though - the water was lovely, as were the little fish nibbling at our feet.  I’ll definitely be back, with swimming gear.

We then drove on to Herman’s Cave.  Once there, it’s about a 10-minute walk along a jungle trail.  You are allowed to go into the cave for the first 200m, after that you need a guide.  A flashlight is compulsory since, once you turn a bend and leave the entrance of the cave (pictured)l you’re in complete darkness.  

It was just the two of us in there - I have to admit that, once we got to about 150m or so, I was quite anxious to turn back………I also resisted K’s idea that we should turn the flashlight off to see just how dark it was.  

All that excitement made us very hungry so we stopped off for a burrito - much smaller and snack-like than we have them at home (where they can be grotesquely large).

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