
By Gingercatpix

Over excitement perhaps?

Watching the weather report on breakfast telly I cursed the weather map showing a north south divide with Scotland getting our usual bank holiday dreichness while south of the boarder nonchalantly basks in full sun, soooooo frustrating!

Anyway I decided to walk into the city centre and hang the rain. My route took me down Lothian Road where I spotted a some emergency vehicles of parked outside a couple of the more seedier establishments of the area.

Well, there could and there probably was a very normal reason for the Ambulances being there. But no, a whole lot of different scenarios went through my head ranging from a Viagra overdose to body parts trapped in zips (see film Something About Mary) or a hideous pole dancing accident. (Not too sure what pole dancers do but it sounds a dangerous job)

Anyway the rain took on a more torrential note so I moved on. So I will never know what the emergency was but I am hoping it was something where the ambulance crews during their coffee break back at base started their conversation with the opening line "You never guess what we saw today"

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