
By Sonset25

Sitting ducks

Usual Monday trip to market.  Temperature drop again today and rain.  Wore my cagoule to cycle but was hot by the time I reached the market some 20 minutes later.  Market still quiet.
I popped into John Lewis.  I would like a knitting project over winter.  I went to look at their knitting patterns and yarn.  

Good grief it was ridiculously hot in there.  I took off my cardi and was happy in my sleeveless top. They could contribute to saving the planet by turning down their heating and get their staff to wear jumpers instead of short sleeves. 

Saw saw interesting, colourful yarn but patterns were uninspiring.

Went to an independent knitting/sewing shop.  Excellent staff and gave their time showing me their catalogues of patterns.  I bought a pattern and will, return to John Lewis for the yarn. 

OH needed to see accountant in St Ives (Cambs) regarding retirement from company and releasing some company funds.  

Meanwhile i had a look at the market.  Monday is market day in St Ives.  It's fairly different from Cambridge market.  Some stalls sell a variety of fruit  and vegetables from local smallholders and bargains are pretty good.  There are also stalls for cheap clothes, suitcases, bags and wallets, vacuum cleaners and parts to name a few.  Today I bought some allium bulbs.  OH later purchased a dayglo, reflective, padded jacket for cycling. 

I had a walk by the river and to All Saint's Church before returning to meet OH at 3pm. 

Coffee and cake at Tom's cafe then home.

Pleasant evening everyone.

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