Normandy Day 18

We woke to grey skies and later in the morning heavy rain. First real daytime rain so far! The temperature was only 11 and eventually by lunchtime it got to 15! We drove to A little village near the coast with a view of Mont St Michel but it kept disappearing in the rain and mist! We had a picnic in the van in the rain! Very cosy! We ventured on to Avranche and the rain stopped.we had a walk around some of the town which is high on a hilltop. Another interesting place. Down a side alley we discovered a lovely garden area with fruit trees and a lovely view over the town. We visited the Basilica which was quite opulent then had a coffee watching the world go by…..and no rain until we walked back to the car and it wasn’t much. Cooked tea then relaxed. Going to a B&B as a treat for the next 3 nights in Creances!

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