Zip line

We went to a different park after school, much better than the usual one we go to and had a great time. They have recently had static gym equipment put in, so we all had a go, then we played football frisbee - a game made up on the spot by the eldest, one person is in a football goal, the others have to get the frisbee into the goal. Actually was a pretty good game! I think he made it up on the spot, so pretty good going.  

Home for spellings and times-tables.  Homework for the eldest is to practise his times tables every day (!!) as well as reading and spellings - and bed! We did 45 minutes of spellings and times tables, then reading at bed time. 

A day of trying to get things done and sorting a few things out before starting work, which feels like it is looming ahead! 

Today I'm grateful for
A nice long dog walk at lunch time 
A tidy, clean house 
The eldest working so hard to apply himself

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