Busy busy

WHAT a beautiful day, it was so lovely to be at home so I could see how my tulips look in the sun. And it was just great to be taking pictures of flowers becasue they looked beautiful rather than becasue I didnt have any other pictures. A real pleasure, I was spolit for choice in the end.

A good productive day, collected the laptop, purchased the new power cable it needed, collected Esja for Daisy entertainment on their inset day. Daisy has been really quite poorly this week, she appears to have migraines - three so far this week. Just got back from the doctor who didnt seem particularly interested. I supose that is a good thing, rather than a doctor who shows high alarm.

I made the first cake in my bundt tin, a particularly bloody gorgeous marzipan cake. And supervised electricians doing some long overdue boring stuff that now means our bathroom is fully lit.

And cycled Will to school and back - he keeps "forgetting" to pedal, cheeky boy. Happy long weekend my blipping friends xx

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