Its the Way It Is

By Jeano

Lino and Feminism

(This could be controversial btw)

When I was married, I did the cooking and baking, purchasing of multiple cushions, lamps and throws; organised picnics to lovely locations, invited friends and family to dinner (my husband hated that stuff), booked wonderful kooky holidays and generally lazed around the place as I fed and kept a leisurely eye on my babies.

And the babies grew up (as they do) ; my husband retired early and great plans lay ahead for us two. Then seriousl illness struck him down and he passed away.

He had done everything around the house in terms of maintenance and repair. He was a dab hand (raised on a small Wicklow hillside farm, you have to fix everything yourself (no delving into the yellow pages).

But since he passed away, everything that could break/stop working etc happened and as I am clueless, was at the mercy of people who I now realise took advantage of me by overcharging or not turning up etc.

Well I bought a roll of Lino to put down in the bathroom and rang about 5 handypersons to come and lay it in the bathroom . None of them turned up and not replying to my calls.

So I bought this knife today and I am gonna do it myself.

Yes I’m gonna do it myself.

My daughter says that men and women should be able to do the same things. Not me nope.

Laying Lino is men’s work and I don’t wanna do it. But I can cook a tasty creamy chicken with mushroom and scallions with ease.

Anyhoo this is my job for tomorrow and if I don’t blip you will know it all went wrong


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