Coffee stop

We bought these little cups in Italy when house sitting a few years ago, they stay in the van.

A morning for driving west, the extra shows a large vehicle for camping in, is it anything like your vehicle will be Snaefell?

Part of the drive was over a Col, our choice, there was a normal route. It was very narrow, with me making a mental note of every passing place in case we had to reverse. On the 10 km road we didn’t meet one vehicle. The destination was a France Passion site for 2-3 vans, we are in our own, the owner came to say hello, as did a cat, squirrel and dog, all at different times. We arrived early afternoon, it was mostly raining and generally we talked though the feelings we have for Mackie.

Through the side window we can look down onto a wild boar trodden field, it’s a drop of 9-10 metres from the van. We have not seen a wild boar, one dead one in Spain years ago, apparently they come out from the forest at night. Perhaps one will appear before it’s dark


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